Standard dining table height is 30 inches. Amish made bistro and pub height dining tables are 36 or42 inches tall. When combined with appropriate height dining stools, these dining tables lend a contemporary flair to your dining area.

Bistro height dining tables at 36 inches tall use a 24″ dining stool. All of our Amish made chairs can be fitted to this taller size. The stools are as comfortable as the regular dining chair while the extra 6 inches of height make standing much easier.

Pub height tables, while also having taller stools available in all styles, are good for casual dining, snacking or drinking while standing.

Almost any table style shown elsewhere can be brought up to these two heights. Let us know what you are looking for.

Below are just a few of the taller style Amish tables that we offer.
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or Call to Speak with one of our Experienced and Knowledgeable Amish Furniture Specialists…9am to 5pm CST Monday thru Saturday –

American Made – American Quality